Sunday, December 1, 2013

Blog # 8

Because I will be in a different classroom this Spring, I have not officially come up with a question I want to officially research quite yet. I have only been able to be in my new classroom about 40 minutes a week. This is not enough time to observe how the students and the teacher uses technology, or any problems that they are currently facing. However, this project has helped form the basis for my research question.

Research Story: Throughout this whole student-teaching experience so far, I have come to realize that technology is used in education far more than I realized. Gone are the days of chalkboards and overhead projectors. Now we have Smart Boards where students can come up and with a pen write all over what the teacher has put up. We have projectors and document cameras. Many students can now check out Ipads from their school for the entire year. Schools have computer labs, and access to computer programs that help with math and typing.This is not to mention the internet and social media, and the vast amount of information students are able to access.

Search Protocol: I used the iSearch 2.0 protocol that I learned from this class. I first started out on the site. I posted the question: "What are the most critical issues around education and technology?" I went on to the Tech and Computer forms site and posted a similar question. I also joined the ISTE website and posted a question on there as well.

Research: While waiting for responses from the question I posted, I wanted to see what was out there in terms of issues with education and technology. I went to google and typed in "education and technology issues." There are two articles I looked at that raised some good questions for me. They include:

How can schools catch up with the latest technology?
Because technology is changing so rapidly, how can the research on how technology affects students keep up? What is the benefit from full-time online education? Would my students benefit from hybrid learning? How can we be sure that the online classes that our students are using are beneficial? Is it possible for all students to have a mobile device? Is there a way to blend social networking with the classroom so that students will be more engaged?


While doing this research, I found multiple audiences and though I am waiting to get responses back from the sites where I posted questions. During our class presentations today, I found a lot of websites and apps that would be useful to me. This is a long research process but very useful. It caused me to ask more questions, which is important as a teacher-researcher. Next time I think I would ask a more focused question and try not to become overwhelmed by all the information I find. For this assignment I know we were supposed to post screen shots but I was not able to figure out to on my MAC computer.