Sunday, August 25, 2013

Blog Post # 1: My Technology Timeline

My experience with technology started when I was around 3rd or 4th grade. We had a keyboarding class that had these typewriters and we had to practice typing and not looking at the screen. When I was around 10,  dial-up internet was in full effect, complete with the connection being interrupted when the phone rang. My Mom, Sister and I had to share the computer, which was really annoying. For my 11th or 12th birthday, my mom re-designed my room, complete with a desk and a computer! I remember being so excited and wanted to play on it all the time. As time went on, I got laptops, ipods, cell phones and I had to really convince my mom to get high-speed wireless internet. She put it off as long as she could...but I won in the end. I remember being extremely excited when I got my first cell phone. On my 16th Birthday my Mom finally gave me one and I just wanted to talk and text on it all the time.  When I was in school, technology was very helpful in my learning. It allowed me to learn and create to my heart's content. For work, I am a receptionist, and so I have to be able to use our data base to book, cancel and reschedule appointments, as well as basic data entry. If I had not had my prior experience with computers, I would not be able to do my job. 

With my Sister being over in London for school, technology such as Skype and Facebook with messaging has allowed us to stay in contact and see each other even though she is halfway across the world. 

Technology is critical in the 21st century classroom,as kids are so much more in tune with technology than we were at their age. I see these tools, such as Ipads and computer labs, serve a definite purpose in learning. They enable kids to learn and express their creativity in many different ways. They can do research faster, connect with their teacher and fellow students easily.It is also preparing them for the workforce ahead, which will force them to learn new technology. However, we have to use the technology in a way that enhances learning instead of letting it become a distraction to learning.

Below is my PowerPoint Presentation with pictures of technology I have used throughout my life. Enjoy! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Morgan - I really enjoyed learning about your technology timeline in your life. I noticed that we had a lot of similarities! Three interesting things I learned from your blog past are: you use technology for communication (especially with your sister), you believe that technology is critical in the 21st century, and that it enhances learning. I completely agree--as we found out, we had a lot of the same technological devices growing up. You, however, are more up-to-date on current devices. I really like how you embedded your PP in to your blog, this was a very interesting component. Thanks for sharing, Morgan!
